Tuesday 29 April 2014

Febuary 2014

At the end of January I competed at the Geelong Showjumping Competition held at Drysdale with ESB Irish Whisper and ESB Irish Rumble. It was Rumbles second competition so he started out a little nervous having so many horses rushing around him but was completely unfased by the bunting that was blowing around in the wind. We started out doing the 50cm round to step up a little from the last competition. He was still not quite comfortable cantering into the jumps so we started out trotting. By the second day of the competition we had steped up to the 65cm round and he was getting much more confident, starting to understand that it is easier to canter into the jumps.

Whisper and I started with the 80cm round and managed an easy clear round so moved on to the 90cm round in which we knocked one rail. The next day we did the 75cm round going clear even though the ground was a bit slipery and Whisper was struggling to keep her footing and managing to come 6th.

On the 16th of Febuary I did Drysdale Leopold Pony Club HT with ESB Irish Whisper in the Grade 3 section. In the warm up for the dressage she was a little bit strong and full of energy but by the time we got to the test she was much better and we managed a very nice test coming 5th. The showjumping course was very simple and we did a very nice round going clear which put us up into 4th place. I had never jumped her into water before this competition so I was a little bit worried about the water jump on the cross country course so when I came into I didn't push her forward enough to be able to jump it properly so we got 1 refusal. on the second go we made it in and Whisper did a big leap down. Around the rest of the course she was an absolute star and seemed to be loving it! Overall we didn't do too badly coming 7th on a count back.