Monday 20 May 2013

May 2013

ESB Golden Ambition (Greta) and I have recently been competing in the Barwon Equestrian Showjumping Tournament (B.E.S.T). It consists of four showjumping competitions held at different pony clubs in the Barwon Zone. At each competition there are two rounds of show jumping for the day. Throughout the series we had been doing really well, placing in at least one round at each competition. The last round was held on Sunday the 19th of May at Portalington Pony Club. Due to some heavy rain through the week the grounds were quite slippery and even going carefully we seemed to be sliding all over the place. We managed to make it clear in our first round placing sixth. in the second round we had a similar trouble with the ground and had a bit of a whoops with at the brick wall but still managed to complete the course fine other than that. Over all for the day we finished 8th and managed to come 5th over the whole series winning a lovely rosette and some white bandages.