Thursday 20 June 2013

June 2013

This month has been pretty busy as I have had exams but some how I managed to get to a few competitions. There has also been a fair amount of rain which has made the ground quite soft and slippery. On the 9th I competed at a dressage competition with ESB Golden Ambition. The warm up area was difficult because of the grass being slippery. our first test was a bit messy in places but we still managed to come 8th, our second test was much better and we ended up 3rd. The next week on the 16th we had Kardinia Interschools. The warm up for dressage was horrible and muddy so we didn't stay clean for very long. Our first test wasn't our best but we came 5th and our second test was slightly better although made more challenging by the slippery grass. Again we came 5th in the second test and and came 5th overall. In the show jumping we had two clear rounds making it to the jump off. In the jump off we got one rail and ended up coming 7th.